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Posts from September 2006

Trader Joe's in Paramus: let's see what they got


So an outpost of Trader Joe's moved into Paramus, NJ, a few weeks ago.  The internet and blogosphere were abuzz with excitement.  Neighbors were talking, people were phoning up the place, wondering when it would open, barely able to contain their excitement over the prospect of a Trader Joe's opening 5 miles (10 minutes on a bad day) from the existing Trader Joe's in Westwood.  Everyone, that is, except me.

Continue reading "Trader Joe's in Paramus: let's see what they got" »

craftsteak, NYC: batting .500

Update:  Craftsteak has closed and changed concepts.

I'd be remiss in my duties as the self-proclaimed foremost authority on dining and most-things-taste-related (aka, "food bully") if I didn't mention my most recent visit to craftsteak, especially considering how much I enjoyed my first visit a few months ago.   My recent meal can only be categorized as not-so-good.

And it went a little something like this.  Hit it boys...

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Red's Lobster Pot: Point Pleasant Beach, NJ


If you're visiting Point Pleasant, many people will tell you to go to Spike's for seafood.  Those people must like to wait in lines.  Or at the very least they must like you to wait in lines.

When I'm in Point, I go directly to Red's Lobster Pot, to sit on the dock in their outdoor seating area, watch the fishing boats go by, have a lobster roll and some clams, and wonder how hungry all of those people standing on the sidewalk on Broadway outside of Spike's must be.

Continue reading "Red's Lobster Pot: Point Pleasant Beach, NJ" »

Chicago: Lollapalooza 2006, 4 days, 3 guys from Jersey


It was the confluence of a few of my favorite things:  music, food, booze, and Chicago.  Lollapalooza 2006. 

Note:  this is a blog about food.  I don’t normally post about anything other than food.  However, this trip to the great city of Chicago was inspired not only by the food of Chicago, but also the music of Lollapalooza.  Three guys, going to Chicago, to listen to music, drink beer, and eat.  So I’ll include some observations about Lollapalooza as well, and you’ll just have to deal, or close your browser.

Continue reading "Chicago: Lollapalooza 2006, 4 days, 3 guys from Jersey" »

Roots Steakhouse: Summit, NJ


The plan was to meet the blackeyedpig for dinner at the bar at Roots Steakhouse on a rainy Tuesday at 8:30.  Surely we'd have no problem getting a romantic spot for two at the bar at 8:30 on a rainy Tuesday.  In August.  In the 'burbs.  Surely.   Maybe at The Office, but not at Roots.  Of this you are assured. 

The place was jammin'.  People were lined up waiting for tables.  People were hovering around the bar area waiting to pounce on the first open seat (bar dining is almost always preferable).  There were a lot of suits and moneyed looking people enjoying themselves at the bar and all throughout the three dining rooms.  What a scene I tell ya.  And what were they there for?  Steak and really expensive wine, from what I could tell.

Continue reading "Roots Steakhouse: Summit, NJ" »