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Posts from October 2007

Back in the kitchen: quite a decent burger


Searching for a good burger isn't fun.  It's depressing.  You follow crazy leads (Krug's Tavern, Newark - worth a visit), eat mediocre burgers that should be better (Harvest Bistro, Closter), and generally get bitter from the experience.  Or, more bitter, in my case.

The other night I was reminded that quite a decent burger can be found right in your kitchen.   My kitchen, more correctly.  This time around, it was a large, steakhouse style burger.

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t:e pulls out the yellow sign with the guy shoveling a pile of, um, stuff?

ConstructionSo I'm sitting there at Esty Street (in  Park Ridge, not on Esty Street) tonight with the missus, enjoying a nice meal, and I pull t:e up on the ol' iPhone, just for your basic shits and giggles, and to get into myself a bit more than I already am, when suddenly what I had already realized became very very clear:  I haven't posted about anything very much recently.  At all.

So in her own, special, ball-busting way, the missus suggested that I put up one of those "under construction" signs.  And here it is.

Continue reading "t:e pulls out the yellow sign with the guy shoveling a pile of, um, stuff?" »