Pepperidge Farm: Slider buns
Wendy's: "Center cut" chicken breast

Morton's Steakhouse: and their blog and silly claim

Morton's Steakhouse now has a "blog".  The blog is called "The Best Steak Anywhere", which is their (new?) registered trademark.

Really?  The best steak anywhere?  It kinda makes you wonder if they've ever been to Peter Luger, or Florence.  

I suppose they are guided by the same principle that so many are:  if you say it enough, well then it just has to be true.  They lie.  It's not.  How am I so sure?  

Mortons steak

Because the not-dry-aged thing in the picture above, borrowed (thanks, Morton's) from their thebeststeakanywhere "blog", can't possibly be the best steak anywhere.  In fact I'm not even sure if that's steak.  And what are those things next to it, popovers?  Or are they wrapping bacon around scallops, like people used to do back in 1983.  You can get those in the frozen food section of Piggly WIggly's these day.  Maybe it's time to retire the bacon, and just serve a properly cooked, delicious scallop on its own.
