Pepperidge Farm: Slider buns
April 25, 2009
See also this updated comparison of Pepperidge Farm and Martin's: click me.
Pepperidge Farm (until this very moment, I always thought the company name was something that sounds like "Petrich Farmz") will have you believe that they remembah, and they might very well remembah. Who could challenge that statement.
Edit: I put these to the test with some real sliders. Click me!
The also seem to be the first company to realize that "sliders" are becoming very, very popular at restaurants, and therefore people are obviously going to want to make sliders at home.
Historically, your only store-bought option for small sandwich buns has been Martin's potato buns, in the dinner roll size. And that's if you could even find them. When I do find them, I'm reminded that I don't really like 'em. They're doughy, flabby, heavy, and just not very good. Too much bun. End of discussion.
So I was pleased to see the Pepperidge Farm option in the local Stop and Shop today. I haven't tried one, but I'm pretty sure I know what it'll taste like (flour, water, corn syrup). The proof will be in the pudding. Tonight I'll be putting lamb patties inside some. I will be grilling the buns to finish cooking them (mass-produced rolls, and bread in general, always seems a bit on the raw side. Why don't they finish baking this stuff?) I'll report back if anything outstanding happens.
Freshly ground mini lamb burgers, mint/cucumber raita, sriracha, on...Martin's dinner rolls. Just make sure you gut them before assembling the burger