Skinnygirl margarita: sold out
July 16, 2010
Edit: Click here for the taste test/review.
A sign of the end of civilization as we know it. People are gobbling this stuff up. Draining bottles of it into their naive gullets. Few having any clue of what a proper margarita should taste like, much less how easy one is to make.
A sign by the door of Harding Liquors in Ridgewood, NJ
I was actually going to buy a bottle so I could make fun of it give it a proper and fair tasting, but alas, this will have to wait.
A couple of observations before even touching the bottle:
- $15 dollars for 750 ml. At fist this sounds like a good value, but you'll notice this stuff is 25 proof, which tells me it is watered down tequila.
- Caramel color added. I guess they want to appeal to those who think Cuervo Gold is "the good stuff."
More to come. And yes, I will do this, for you.
*Note: this stuff is available at Harding Liquors in Ridgewood (well, when they get a new supply it will be)